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Main goal of GREELCO

GREELCO virtually connects ECEC professionals and gives them the opportunity to digitally empower, share their expertise and reflect on their practice.

What is GREELCO?


Why is GREELCO important of learning within a community of professionals who work in the same field but in different national/educational contexts?
Learning from each other about child-centred approach on how to ensure quality practice in the kindergarten classroom.

The recent experience with the pandemic has resulted in the “professional isolation” of professionals, as the possibilities for mutual connection and sharing of practices have been greatly reduced. It also turned out that the digital competences of professionals also need to be strengthened.

All these experiences of the last period encouraged us to develop a project idea with which we want to enable valuable international exchanges to a wider interested professional public, which we will do with the help of virtual study visits to eight kindergartens from eight different countries of the European Union.

All of this is for free, accessible from anywhere (virtually), prepared by kindergarten professionals for their colleagues, kindergarten management and other interested audience!