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Online Training on Digital Competences

As a core activity within the GREELCO project, on April 2023, the DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (HOU) organized an engaging, international, online “Training on digital competences”. The 24-hour training was designed for preschool teachers, directors, and counselors of the 8 project participating kindergartens from Romania, Belgium, Estonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Czech Republic and North Macedonia, with a total of 44 participants.

The Training was a collaborative effort by the GREELCO expert partners, the Educational Research Institute (ERI), the International Step by Step Association (ISSA) and the DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (HOU).

As a member of the GREELCO community, you can access the recording of the training, available on the GREELCO platform.

Training modules

  • Inspiring ECEC Practice in Videos. Trainers: Petra Zgonec, Mateja Mlinar, Petra Bozovičar (ERI researchers), ERI
  • Quality Informed ECEC Practices. Trainer: Aljosa Rudas, ISSA Program Manager, ISSA
  • Theory and practical application of editing tools in video production. Trainer: Elisabeth Pirounia, Video producer and Editor, HOU.

In total, 42 participants successfully achieved the initial goal of 40, receiving their Training Certificates. Additionally, upon completion of the training, the 44 participants were asked to provide their feedback, completing the evaluation questionnaire.

Results from the Training evaluation

The training was followed by a participant evaluation, revealing insightful feedback. The majority of the participants, 25 out of 44 respondents, assessed the Training as “important” (55,8%) and 31,8% as “extremely important” to their role as kindergarten teacher, see Question 1:

Visual representation of answers in Question 1.

After taking the online Training, the participants on the evaluation survey rated their expertise as “highly important” in the following topics, see Question 2:

24 out of 44 respondents for the “Inspiring ECEC practices in Videos”, 23 out of 44 respondents for the “Quality Informed ECEC Practices”, 27 out of 44 for the “Training on Digital competencies, while 24 out of 44 respondents rated as “highly important” the “Green uses of technology”.

Visual representation of answers in Question 2.

Furthermore, after following the GREELCO Training, the majority of the 44 online respondents rated their expertise as “Good” in the following 8 competencies, derived from the DigCompEdu Framework and GreenComp Framework, see Question 3:

  • DigComp Edu – Professional Engagement: Organizational communication: 30 out of 44 respondents.
  • DigComp Edu – Professional Engagement: Reflective practice: 29 out of 44 respondents.
  • DigComp Edu – Professional Engagement: Professional collaboration: 28 out of 44 respondents.
  • DigComp Edu – Digital Resources: Selecting: 29 out of 44 respondents.
  • DigComp Edu – Digital Resources: Creating & Modifying: 31 out of 44 respondents.
  • DigComp Edu – Digital Resources: Managing, Protecting, Sharing: 27 out of 44 respondents.
  • GreenComp – Embodying Sustainability Values: Valuing sustainability: 31 out of 44 respondents.
  • GreenComp – Acting for Sustainability: Critical thinking: 33 out of 44 respondents.

Visual representation of answers in Question 3.

Lastly, the majority of the 44 respondents rated their learning experience and delivery of GREELCO Training as “Good” in the following 10 aspects:

  • The training program was well organized and easy to follow: 23 out of 44 respondents.
  • The training met the objectives for learning and professional development: 24 out of 44 respondents.
  • The training was interactive and engaging: 20 out of 44 respondents.
  • This training was useful to my role in kindergarten: 19 out of 44 respondents.
  • The material provided was clear and understandable: 23 out of 44 respondents.
  • The length of the training was adequate: 25 out of 44 respondents.
  • The presentations made the training interesting: 24 out of 44 respondents.
  • The exercises were helpful and relevant: 21 out of 44 respondents.
  • The time and resources were enough to complete the training: 27 out of 44 respondents.
  • Regarding the aspect “The trainer(s)/ tutor(s) were engaging and supportive”, 26 out of 44 rated it as “Very Good”, giving positive feedback on the Trainers-expert partners, that supported the Training delivery.

Visual representation of answers in Question 4.